Tag Archives: youth justice

The School To Prison Pipeline

This 30 minute long audio podcast is an episode of  the BBC World Service radio documentary series which was broadcast by the BBC today, 10 Apr 12 for a worldwide audience.
In this podcast, Nina Robinson reports from Texas on how the heavy hand of the law in some US schools is criminalising the very young. Podcast link: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00qh8pf. The podcast can be downloaded as a 11MB mp3 and kept.
There is an accompanying news feature Misbehaving pupils ending up in court which covers many of the points made in the podcast, and I found it easier to absorb and think about the facts and figures seeing them written down. The BBC provide a link to the research study on which this news item is based, and their whole report can be freely downloaded: Breaking Schools’ Rules: A Statewide Study on How School Discipline Relates to Students’ Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement.
Taken together, the podcast, news feature and research report makes a cohesive package for those with an interest in school discipline and youth justice. Bear in mind that this was broadcast for a global audience – no comparisons are made with the UK, but that doesn’t make it any less valuable as a basis for thinking and debate amongst UK students and practitioners.
BBC podcasts can be shared within the classroom or lecture theatre for educational purposes.  © All rights reserved by the BBC.

Zero tolerance to gang culture

This is a podcast from The Guardian.

‘Analysis commissioned by the government suggests only 13% of those arrested in the 2011 summer riots could credibly be linked to gangs, so Hugh Muir asks if a zero-tolerance approach to gangs is missing the point?’
This 40-minute podcast was originally published on 18 Nov 2011 for a general public audience. It can be downloaded as a 36MB mp3 and kept.
Link: www.guardian.co.uk/world/audio/2011/nov/18/focus-podcast-gang-culture
I did not comment on this when it was published last autumn as there was so much debate in the aftermath of the riots and I was interested to see which would stand the test of time – which this does. The podcast is in two parts: Street-level reports from London, Glasgow & Boston, followed by a well-informed studio debate which will be of interest to youth justice, criminology and youthwork practitioners and students alike. The podcast would make a good basis for a student assignment question or individual preparation for a workplace or tutorial discussion.
As this podcast contains a range of attributable quotes that students might wish to cite in assignments, its value would be enhanced if The Guardian were to provide a transcript, as the BBC sometimes does.
Guardian podcasts are for personal and non-commercial use only. © All rights reserved by The Guardian.

Evidence-based Interventions in Juvenile Justice

This 1 hour lecture published on 24 Nov 2011 is from a series of Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures at Oxford University.

Professor Mark Lipsey (Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbilt University, USA) discusses evidence-based interventions in Juvenile Justice: Concepts, Research, Practice, and Frontiers. The lecture can be downloaded and kept as either a 30MB mp3 audio or 521MB mp4 video.

This lecture is published with a licence that allows it to be edited, for example if you only want to play a short passage. However, I was frustrated that Mark Lipsey repeatedly refers to a diagram that the viewer is not shown!

Link: http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/units/social-policy-and-intervention

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